What Can We Do For You?

Our company mission is to help people invest in property wisely. Whether you want to be hands-on or hands-off there is a solution for you.

Loan Agreement

Ideal for hands-off investors who do not want the hassle that comes with ownership. No letting, management, repairs, voids, capital gains taxes and red tape to worry about. 


A loan agreement is signed between the investor and JXH Developments and interest on that loan can be paid monthly or annually - you decide!


Your monies is then invested in ongoing projects to build up a high quality rental portfolio for housing private tenants in South London. Your monies are secured with a Personal Guarantee from the Director of the Company and your returns are fixed.

Joint Venture Partner

If you have a property in mind that you feel would make an excellent investment or whether you would like us to select one for you, the construction of this option is such that you will provide the funds and we will provide the expertise. Profits are then shared.


Unlike the option above the profits are variable and dependant on a lot of variables, but can reap higher rewards. This option however is not as flexible as the straightforward loan agreement and other costs are to be considered.

Portfolio Building

Do you aspire to own property? We can set up the initial purchase right from finding the property, refurbishment, dressing and ultimately letting it to private tenants.


You will have seen our past projects and you will know that we produce market-leading products.

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